Reeda Assi

Very intense and inspiring. Helped me rediscover hidden parts of myself. Looking forward to pass on this service to others.

Dayana Kanaan

One of the most inspiring courses in my life. Love it! It changed my life!

Taroub Majzoub

It was a joy to attend this training. It was an eye opener for me to see life in a different way. Thank you Anthony!

Nicole Melki

This course added a lot of knowledge and value to me. I learned a lot theoretically and way more practically. This is why I highly recommend it to everyone!

Chloe Bouchikian

“This course was highly beneficial and fulfilling. It really fed me a lot of knowledge for personal growth and to help others that are truly hungry to grow and improve.”

Nathalie Rubeiz Clinical Hypnotherapist

” This is the second training I do with Anthony. All I can say is that Anthony knows the material impressively well and he had the answers to all the questions he was asked… Not hesitating one moment to explain the more and lesser intricate details in different manners for us to comprehend and make […]

Rami Chatila Advanced Car – Business Development

Thank you Anthony Rizk for this amazing, rich training which was very informative, useful and helpful. I will definitely try to apply this with the guest at Advanced Car rental, I am sure it is going to be a positive step in my professional life.