NLP Certification in Lebanon

Middle East & Gulf

NLP Certification in Lebanon –  Middle East & Gulf: Neuro-Linguistic Programming,or NLP, may be the most advanced methodology available for maximizing human potential. It is all about using the incredible power of your own inner mind to get more of what you really want out of life, and less of what you don’t.

1- Basic NLP Practitioner Certification Course

NLP Certification in Lebanon

What you will learn: You will acquire the tools that make impact therapy a reality. You will learn and master basic techniques that have made NLP the most sought after training.

Quick impact therapy
How to build and maintain multi-level rapport
How to improve personal/professional relationships
How to make rapid, lasting changes
How to access personal strengths and resources
How to solve problems at the subconscious level
How to ask the right questions
How to change personal history – how you remember your past
All types of anchoring techniques
Eye accessing cues
How to change internal states
What you will earn: Upon completion of the written examination, you will become a Certified Basic NLP Practitioner by the world’s largest NLP certifying body: The National Federation of NLP, USA.
Course Duration: 5 days
Requirements: English language is a must

2- Master NLP Practitioner Certification Course

What you Master:
Advanced submodality distinctions
Instant trance inductions
Waking hypnotic patterns
Embedded commands
Using metaphors for deep trance marking
Covert meta program mastery
Advanced modeling skills for success
Changing beliefs subconsciously
Covert change patterns
Time distortion patterns
Accelerated learning

What you will earn: Upon completion of the written examination, you will become a Certified Master NLP Practitioner by the world’s largest NLP certifying body: The National Federation of NLP, USA..

Course Duration: 4 days
Requirements: English language is a must – Basic NLP certification is a prerequisite

3- NLP Coaching Certification Course

If you’re looking for coach training that will take you from the beginner level all the way to true mastery and get you the tools to build your coaching business, this is it. Whether you want to start your own coaching business or want to use the leading edge coaching skills in your current profession, this training will help you to succeed as a trained professional coach.
Coaching fees for individuals run about $300 to $600 per month. The client typically phones the coach each week, three or four times every month for sessions of 30 to 45 minutes each.

This scenario is simple and eliminates the hassle of arranging an in-person discussion. Most clients anticipate having this coaching schedule on their calendar for three to six months in order to experience high-impact coaching and lasting results. NLP Professional Coach Training is a solid investment.
Work with many common coaching/client issues.

Facilitate the client’s progress through blocks, fears and obstacles. Deliver effective feedback (in a way that the client can hear) for success.

You will learn to:
Help clients identify their priorities, and take appropriate action based on them
Provide your clients with the accountability they need to continue taking action
Help clients resolve inner-conflicts and make better decisions.

Coach clients to take action now.
You will refine your communication skills by developing facility with the NLP coaching model. You will discover how to use coaching in your current work and how to improve your leadership ability. You will be able to offer more services to current clients and expand into new markets. You will get hands-on experience of both coaching and being coached.

This will give you congruence around the ability to combine NLP knowledge with coaching skills.

The importance of NLP Coach Training for anyone who wants to start a career as a professional Coach or as a business professional is rapidly becoming clear.

Many team leaders and managers, for instance, now find the ability to unite the principles of advanced NLP with the power of Coaching, for interacting with, and influencing others as part of their job description.

What you will earn: Upon completion of the written examination, you will become a Certified NLP Coach by the world’s largest NLP certifying body: The National Federation of NLP, USA.

Course Duration: 4 days
Requirements: English language is a must – Basic NLP certification and Master NLP certification are prerequisites

4- Business NLP Certification Course

If you’re looking to double, triple or even quadruple your sales, then this course is for you. This training is most appropriate for the professionals who directly interact with customers.

Employees will upgrade their skills to effectively adopt NLP into their sales strategies. In addition, managers who have staff attending this training may also wish to attend, so that they can actively reinforce the training effort.

This training is remarkably experiential in nature. The participants will enjoy practicing and mastering NLP techniques in a highly interactive setting. Participants will also be closely monitored and guided throughout the duration of the training.

You will learn to:
Master selling skills
Successfully dominate and close any business deal
Increase repeat business
Create and strengthen customer loyalty
Create and strengthen employee loyalty
Easily acquire and retain new customers
Develop greater synergy between employees
Eye Accessing Movements
Representational Systems
Sensory Perceptual Strategies
Advanced rapport
Major Presuppositions of NLP
Meta Model
Meta Programs
Eliciting States and Anchoring
Magic Words
Embedded Commands
More than 50 Language Patterns to Use
Softening Phrases

What you will earn: Upon completion of the written examination, you will become a Practitioner by the world’s largest NLP certifying body: The National Federation of NLP, USA.

Course Duration: 4 days
Requirements: English language is a must – No prerequisite required

5- Certified Professional Speaker Course

Imagine having an exciting, high-paying career that lets you express yourself and make a difference. Welcome to our Certified Professional Speaker Course!

Let me begin by sharing 3 facts with you:

  • 87% of your success in your business relies on your ability to communicate, inspire and influence others.
  • The highest paid profession in the USA is professional speaking, with an average return of $5,000-$10,000 for a 30-minute keynote presentation.
  • You can be earning up to 6 figures talking about your favorite subject.

You could spend tens of thousands of dollars and many years trying to learn how to become an effective speaker and one of the highest-paid people in the region…

…Or you can learn it with Coach Anthony Rizk, the most sought after speaker in the Middle East in just 4 days!

This information is for you ONLY if you’re a professional or aspiring speaker and you are:

  • Ready to open new doors for yourself, whether in your career or in your personal life.
  • A goal-oriented individual who is serious about becoming successful in mastering the art of communicating with influence.
  • Serious about combining your hard-earned expertise with effective speaking strategies to dominate your industry.
  • A manager or executive with little or no public speaking experience who understands that public speaking skills are a key ingredient of success.

In the Certified Professional Speaker Course, Coach Anthony will share the secret recipe and all the tips and tricks to transform you into one of the most demanded speakers. Nothing will be kept hidden. You will walk out able to speak in front of any audience size and command the attention of the audience within minutes.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Pre-workshop assessment
  • Types of talks
  • Advanced psychology of audiences
  • Understanding your own attitude towards public speaking
  • Initial planning and knowing your audience
  • Find your real message as a speaker and know how to express it on any platform
  • How to portrait passion and authenticity
  • Advanced openings and closing tips
  • Mastering stage body language
  • Eliminating your own fear
  • Reading your audience and adjusting your style accordingly
  • Preparing your talks and carefully crafting messages
  • Presenting using visual aids (Do’s and Don’ts)
  • Magic words to influence any audience
  • Entertain, inspire and call to action any type of audience
  • Your lifestyle as a speaker
  • Handling questions with ease
  • A lot of role plays and exercises
  • Record your own talk on a professional camera and tweak your performance to reach mastery
  • On the last day, you will be required to present your topic in front of your group, in addition to a written exam. Upon successful completion of the oral and written exams, you will become certified by the National Federation of NLP, USA as a Certified Professional Speaker.

This intensive 4-day training is an exclusive opportunity, limited to only a handful of people, literally.

During this highly interactive and experiential 4 days, Coach Anthony will personally work with you to achieve your goal of becoming a highly sought-after communicator, presenter and Certified Professional Speaker.

Remember, this is a highly-personalized event — Coach Anthony will be accepting only a handful of people into each session. So you’re getting the personal attention you deserve — and custom-tailored guidance.

Important notes:

Because the group is so small, it’s important to us to maintain the reliability of the group. We don’t accept everyone. We want to make sure this is a good fit for you as well as a good fit for us and the National Federation of NLP in USA (The leading NLP certifying body in the world).

Therefore, to ensure this program is right for you, you must fill out and return an application form, which Coach Anthony will review personally. If you are approved, you’ll receive pre-work which we do require you to do. Coach Anthony wants to be prepared for you so he can ensure you have the most powerful and transformative 4 days with him.

Course duration: 4 days + exam day

Requirements: English language is a must – No prerequisite required

For more information about NLP Certification in Lebanon, Middle East, and Gulf  Click Here

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