
” Thank you for helping me stop my insomnia. I had it for many years. Now I sleep every night and wake up fully refreshed and energetic. I also miss the big brown chair in your clinic; it reminds me of inner peace and great insights “

A.C. Senior Sales Manager

” Remarkable and Extraordinary Training! With Over 6 years experience in sales, I have never attended such an informative, practical, rich, and challenging course.  Now, I can surely say that the Ultimate sales training course made me a better communicator and negotiator. Anthony Rizk is a very knowledgeable trainer with excellent training skills, combining theory […]

Nisrine Akiki

” I had my first presentation today and it went GREAT! I was skeptical at first, but now i truly believe in the power hypnosis and the power of my own mind!! Thank you for removing my fear of public speaking and sweaty palms. “

M.S Apliman – Business Development

“A highly recommended training to attend. Anthony is a great instructor that swifts you off your feet with his knowledge. NLP is a great method to be used when closing a deal!”

Mary Ghosn

” I would like to personally thank you for helping my son get rid of stuttering. He is also doing much better in school. God bless you. “

Rima Saab

” Thank you for helping me lose 23 kg. When I look at the mirror, I really really like what I see I feel great! Thanks again. “

S.B. Entrepreneur

” Mr. Rizk is an exceptional presenter, I met him briefly before taking the course and I was fascinated by his enthusiasm, passion and devotion to his work. I learned a lot from him throughout the course, and not only did I gain new skills but also a great friend. “

Joe Fares Layout – Sales Manager

“One of a kind experience, I wasn’t expecting it to be so interesting and helpful in the business field. Thanks a lot Anthony Rizk. It truly exceeded my expectations.”


” When I thought my life was meaningless, you showed me a new and meaningful way of looking at it. Thank you for showing me my true potential and that life is actually very worth living. “